Smart Humans: Frec's Mo Al Adham

"If you want to optimize for low fees and maximum tax savings, direct indexing is a no-brainer." - Mo Al Adham


  • Direct indexing is a strategy that allows investors to buy the underlying components of an index instead of buying an ETF.
  • Direct indexing offers tax benefits and the ability to personalize the portfolio.
  • Frec aims to make direct indexing accessible to the masses by offering low fees and fractional trading.
  • Mo is bullish on the US economy and predicts the S&P 500 to continue to rise.

Mo Al Adham is the founder and CEO of Frec, the investment platform bringing sophisticated investing products like direct indexing to consumers, bypassing traditional wealth advisors. Prior to Frec, Mo was the first advisor at Instacart, joining the advisory board in early 2013. Mo was also the founder of Twitvid in 2008, the first video platform for social networks like Twitter. Mo joined Twitter in 2016 and spent 5 years in various product leadership roles. Mo has a bachelor’s degree in Software Engineering from the University of Waterloo in Canada.

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