Smart Humans: Alliance's Ben Reinberg

"Commercial real estate to me is the number one asset class to produce wealth, build cash flow, produce wealth, let properties appreciate, and get tax benefits." - Ben Reinberg


  • Commercial real estate is a key asset class for building wealth and generating cash flow.
  • Mastering communication and managing emotions are crucial skills for entrepreneurs.
  • Diversification across different asset classes is important to mitigate risk and protect downside.
  • The current market is facing challenges, but Ben believes that there is potential for economic growth in 2025.
  • Transparency, integrity, and problem-solving skills are important when choosing a real estate manager.


Ben Reinberg is the Founder & Chief Executive officer of Alliance Consolidated Group of Companies, LLC, which specializes in medical office investing. He is a prominent figure in commercial real estate acquisition and investment and a widely recognized expert in the development and structuring of commercial real estate transactions. Ben brings immense value to the dealing process in his ability to build trust quickly, raise equity efficiently, solve problems, and bridge the gap between buyers and sellers.

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